'Life Activation' – The tool handed down from King Solomon, applied in Business [en]
Paul GI Apis
Business and Spirituality
[EN] [RO]
The similarity between Business and Spirituality is profound is that… there is no difference between them! They're the same! The same laws, rules operate and the same patterns and types of behavior, actions are manifested. The results are in different planes, but somehow similar.
From the outside we all look the same!
The differences that we notice but don't really know where they come from are the internal ones, the ones that make things move, that people have different reactions, attitudes and approaches in the same situations. With different effects. With different effort. With different impact on the person, those around them and the environment in which they live.
I used to think that our Qualities were native. That's how it is, only that some are latent and others are there, somewhere, hidden under beliefs and programs: values, principles, 'character'.
They all belong to the society, the church, the parents, the neighbors, the entourage, the school.
The former must be (re)activated, and the latter brought to light by removing all the mess that covers them and revealing your true ' Who Am I '!
I have learned that most of the successful people, celebrities and real world changers are beneficiaries or practitioners of such techniques!
Invaluable tools for freeing ourselves from totally toxic, limiting and destructive beliefs that hold us in place and alter our 'optics' are methods such as the ' Journey ' and the procedure called ' Life Activation '.
'Life Activation' is a ceremonial, a sequence of rituals and procedures that are the essence of more than 25 years of research by the many healers gathered by King Solomon at his court.
'Life Activation' has proven its effectiveness and power over more than 3000 years of practice, during which time it has been transmitted by initiation.
Life Activation represents a beginning, an opening step, of a broad and continuous work of life. LA is a trailblazer!
'Life Activation' can be performed by practitioners after several preparatory initiations for this purpose; it is a one-to-one process. It is a 'G2G process'.
'Life Activation' removes blockages, stasis and energetic imbalances of many kinds, balances energetic aspects of the being and activates keys of the being that are rarely activated by themselves or by other means. The icing on the cake is a 'reading' that the practitioner does, with a remarkable degree of accuracy, depth and relevance to the client.
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All this can change the course of the life of the one who is the beneficiary of the technique. Also, this set of changes, balances and activations can have remarkable beneficial effects on the being as a whole, by potentiating some latent resources. Also, improvements in the general condition at the physical level can be observed, mirrored in the health condition.
On the spiritual level, however... here the effect is even more spectacular.
Those who have gone through this activation say they have noticed a much better connection with themselves and life, that perceptions have changed and perceptiveness has improved remarkably.
Working with couples is absolutely spectacular, both for the client and the LA practitioner. After completing the LA procedure, some of the clients shared that up to 4 of the readings (we encountered) were somehow similar or identical. Others report profound experiences in the subtle. By ' couples' : we mean people somehow related to each other: couples (in the sense of family), parent - child, siblings.
Any energy thing in two or in a group is always stronger and deeper, and Life Activation confirms this
Life purpose and direction of actions became evident and much clearer after ' Life Activation '.
MMS instructors, those who have multiple perspectives of ' Life Activation ' (client, practitioner, instructor), some of them doctors or scientists, say that the procedure helps us remember who we really are, brings clarity, intuition, unlocks potential and increases the use of the brain and extends consciousness with profound implications down to the DNA level. It produces an inner change and connects us with our own self, with our true purpose in this existence. It brings an improvement in vitality, in the sense of increasing it.
As for me, although slightly confused immediately after receiving ' Life Activation ', life has entered a new lane, clearer, more efficient, faster and with a wider and deeper understanding of all that is. It doesn't mean that it's easier for me, but I just feel 'on another level'. The level of challenges has also changed. Like that of the results.
My so-called extrasensory senses have increased a lot, and my intuition is much clearer and more 'obvious'. The so-called 'synchronicities' or 'coincidences' are almost permanent, and in feeling 'things' around it is usual for me. Now one of my areas of focus is to accept and believe what I feel and to understand and believe the messages I perceive. To not doubt them and act accordingly.
I chose to take this step in becoming a practitioner and being authorized to do these activations myself because I strongly believe that We must be as many 'activated' as possible for the stage / times ahead, both for the personal benefit and the people of these lands and of this language.
The choice to go to London at all costs for the week of magic and the initiation that concluded this training was prompted by exactly this need to know and share, a calling that I felt strongly, stronger than ever.
And, yes, clearly for me too! The journey here has brought me experiences, knowledge and gifts that I did not believe existed on this earth, and new friends, experiences and horizons!
Start right here and now!
Contact us to find out how!
** Life Activation is part of the following programs: “ Ready! Steady! Marry! ", " Ready! Steady! Baby! ", from the programs addressed to couples and from the MAI Academy and Extreme Marketing programs . ' Life Activation ' is an integral part, it is the first step, during MMS - Modern Mystery School - Modern Mystery School.
Reader, turn to yourself and feel what your path is, or feel what direction you are going. You might feel it or just know what it is.
Then recognize the call and walk in its light!
And when you feel it's time to soar strongly into the rhythm of Life and want to experience this skill multiplier, ' Life Activation ', you can find us here:
Paul: +4.0730-188898; Roxana: +4.0722-449991.
Or Facebook and LinkedIn: paulgaborro or roxanaioanailiescu
At the end of MMXX there are 7 Romanian practitioners accredited by MMS in Romania, and another 3 around the world.
- Note: In the case of this procedure, MMS (Modern Mystery School) explicitly states the need for the correct balancing of energies. In the case of LA, this is done through a donation of EUR 250 lei to the one doing the Life Activation or the organization he belongs to.
A bit more technical:
– client and therapist preparation – ideally 1 – 3 days before the procedure
- preparing the space
- energetic cleansing
- energetic balancing
- activation, reading
- final + instructions
- preparing the space is an important part, even essential. For those who receive this procedure (LA) in their own space, at home or in the office, it is somehow a bonus. Normally a procedure like this is a distinct job with its own cost, and many choose to do it, and the results are remarkable. Exceptions to space preparation can be in nature or in a holy place.
Life Activation represents a beginning step , an opening, of a broad and continuous work of life. LA is a trailblazer!
Start right here and now!
Contact us to find out how!
I remind you that 'Life Activation' is a ceremonial (procedure, ritual, process) originating from King Solomon, respectively conceived by the elite of healers whom he brought together with the intention of finding the common points and extracting and assembling into procedures (rituals, processes) elements with which all agreed from the inherited knowledge and own practice, into essential practices, with which to include the essential, mutually agreed parts. 'LA' is one of them.
'LA' is a G2G service in light, from light, as light!
Preparing 'Life Activation' I urge you to eat lightly and avoid stimuli such as tobacco, coffee, alcohol, cola, meat, etc.
These stimulants may inhibit your ability to fully access what this 'Life Activation' ritual/process can offer you.
A good night's sleep is always welcome!
Also please set an intention, the most burning and deep of this moment: what do you want from this process, what do you want to get from it.
I suggest that after the session you set aside some time for yourself to let the process continue and the integration take place.
Powerful transformations require intense activity, up to the cellular level or even deeper, so I urge you to support your body by pampering yourself physically: first of all a warm bath with salt, maybe also with essential oil, warm soup or tea, quiet music, a massage and a good and sufficient sleep, if you can start early (no later than 11 p.m.).
Also avoid stimuli such as tobacco, coffee, alcohol, cola, meat, etc. They could diminish the process of transformation and integration.
Observe and enjoy the process that is still unfolding, the deep balancing and expansion and amplification of your physical, energetic, emotional, functional and perceptual parameters.
During the procedure LA proposes, suggests, and at the end of the procedure establishes, a gesture, a 'ritual' to be done every morning and evening as a conscious continuation of 'Life Activation', with the intention expressed before 'Life Activation' and with a second intention aimed at the next 12 hours of the day or night – that is, what exactly you want to focus on during those hours.
During the week following 'Life Activation', avoid making major decisions or taking radical actions. Just pay attention, notice and note what is happening inside and outside of you, as well as ideas, thoughts, dreams. Challenges can arise: any one has at least three approaches / solutions.
Notice and receive the messages that come to you, and obey those that your soul recognizes and validates.
Start right here and now!
Contact us to find out how!