Marketing Extrem MKx - Spirituality in Business

Paul GI Apis
Paul GI Apis

Spiritualitate în Business



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Translations - written & spoken

Written translation – ‘normal’ or technical; spoken translation – simultaneous, alternate or voiceover.  
Go Romanian!    NEW! Subtitling on video is available!

We are great in translating English to Romanian. We did translate live events for Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Brandon Bays and others. We translate for Success Resources and Journey International. We are top rigorous and accurate in technical translations.

Approach The Romanian Market

2021: Romanian markets keep the ‘attractive’ status

For the 18 million Romanians the year 2021 is expected by Colliers to be a year of recovery, with the only questions remaining with regards to the speed and way it will happen.

Need a bridge for your business in Romania? We can be your turntable, information and monitoring office.


Raise Your Team to the Next Level With the '9 Stars of Success'

Build and develop a 9-star team simply by raising awareness!! Dive into our workshops program!

The ‘9 Stars of Success’ is a great method to know yourself, your team and your business partners. It’s based on the Enneagram and it brings magic!

People Get Just What You Communicate!

It’s F.King incredible how much the use of a proper wording and structure can do!

We do magic! The word is the mightiest instrument available to humans! By having the knowledge of mastering it in inwards and outwards, wonders occur.
We do for you verbal, paraverbal and energetics of applied speaking. New: Workshops are available!


Do IT Holistic and Integrative!


Energetic cleaning and balancing, Feng Shui, Astrology, Numerology, crystal work, ‘Journey’ and ‘Life Activation‘ are available to you. Our team consists of top internationally accredited masters, ready to assist you!

Alive Visit Card / Alive Resumee

A video is worth a milion words. If it reflects the Truth!

In order for a 30 secs – 3 min self-introductory video to have an relevant desired impact, the soul has to be felt. We do this magic of clean the filters, unveil the soul and let the words come from the heart, authentic!

A communication is Real when and only when it comes from the Space of Truth – that specific space that lets us feel and acknowledge each other.


PR & events MC

‘The Art in Promotion is to use the right Keys’

“With an expertise of 30 years in top-level PR in organising and promoting events in Romania, I learned to feel the right vibe to induce and the the best energy to be in, different for every and each event, and always had the maximum impact and response!”

The trust transfer is a very senisible, risky and efficient tool to put a product, service or event in the desired light. We master lights of truth in motion!


Table of Contents

Paul GI Apis

Paul GI Apis

Paul Gabor Iliescu este o persoană polivalentă, cunoscut pentru activitatea sa ca autor, antreprenor, prezentator TV, terapeut și facilitator și lector. El este remarcat pentru cartea sa “Alfabet Genial și Haios”, care introduce literele într-un mod educativ și distractiv pentru copii. Cartea prezintă fiecare literă prin diverse reprezentări creative, cum ar fi obiecte, codul Morse, Braille și altele, făcând procesul de învățare plăcut și interactiv pentru copii.

Paul are o pregătire diversificată, deținând un Master of Science în Management Energetic și Inginerie Mecanică. De asemenea, a urmat cursuri și inițieri în numeroase practici spirituale și terapeutice, incluzând Reiki, Feng Shui și diverse tehnici de vindecare energetică. Este afiliat cu Școala Misterelor Moderne, unde predă și practică formare spirituală avansată.

În plus față de activitatea sa de scriitor și spirituală, Paul este gazda emisiunii TV “Împreună Pentru Natură” la Canal 33 România, unde promovează conștientizarea mediului și creșterea personală. El este dedicat să ajute oamenii să devină cele mai bune versiuni ale lor prin cunoaștere și experiență practică.


Paul Gabor Iliescu is a multifaceted individual known for his work as an author, entrepreneur, TV presenter, teacher and healer. He is particularly noted for his book “Alfabet Genial și Haios” which introduces letters in an engaging and educational manner for children. The book presents each letter through various creative representations such as objects, Morse code, Braille, and more, making learning fun and interactive for kids.

Paul has a diverse background, holding a Master of Science in Energy Management and Mechanical Engineering. He has also undergone training and initiation in numerous spiritual and therapeutic practices, including Reiki, Feng Shui, and various energy healing techniques. He is affiliated with the Modern Mystery School, where he teaches and practices advanced spiritual training .

In addition to his writing and spiritual work, Paul is also the host of the TV show “Împreună Pentru Natură” (Together for Nature) on Canal 33 Romania, where he promotes environmental awareness and personal growth. He is committed to helping individuals achieve their best selves through knowledge and practical experience.