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On the other side of complexity simplicity unveils

This site is built on plain html, after hackers finding a security weakness in the more sophisticated version of the site - and using it repeatedly.

I find it an example of how, going back to SIMPLICITY, to apparently rudimentary version of things, the basic, low level, really necessary ones will work, with the HUGE advantage of REMOVING layers of un-necessary burdening things and aspects, allowing a clear view of life at the level all these happen, engaging a better perspective and allowing things to unfold more freely, in much broader limits. Allowing a higher and way deeper level of engagement and committment.

Nowadays we, people, are used to be surrounded by fairly complex, sometimes complicated things - objects, concepts, science a.s.o. Many of these have the declared purpose of making our lives better, longer, healthier, happier, more effective and on and on!
What happens is that each of the layers, every single aspect of life from this vast spectrum has one or more 'puppet master', a person or organization, some hidden, some on sight, mastering the strings and intimate corners and processes of this realm, branch, industry, speciality a.s.o.

In fairly all aspects of our modern existence we build things based on what we assume is 'normal', obvious, well-known and so on. But those things are, very often, MISSING!
So, basically, things, quite often, are based on no-thing!
And here a re-defining, a new recalibration is required.
This has to rely in strong, accepted and time proven base / knowledge.

On the other side of complexity is simplicity.
The essence reveals itself under the magnifying glass of complexity.

From Complexity's ashes SIMPLICITY is born!


Paul GI Apis

Paul GI Apis

Paul Gabor Iliescu este o persoană polivalentă, cunoscut pentru activitatea sa ca autor, antreprenor, prezentator TV, terapeut și facilitator și lector. El este remarcat pentru cartea sa “Alfabet Genial și Haios”, care introduce literele într-un mod educativ și distractiv pentru copii. Cartea prezintă fiecare literă prin diverse reprezentări creative, cum ar fi obiecte, codul Morse, Braille și altele, făcând procesul de învățare plăcut și interactiv pentru copii.

Paul are o pregătire diversificată, deținând un Master of Science în Management Energetic și Inginerie Mecanică. De asemenea, a urmat cursuri și inițieri în numeroase practici spirituale și terapeutice, incluzând Reiki, Feng Shui și diverse tehnici de vindecare energetică. Este afiliat cu Școala Misterelor Moderne, unde predă și practică formare spirituală avansată.

În plus față de activitatea sa de scriitor și spirituală, Paul este gazda emisiunii TV “Împreună Pentru Natură” la Canal 33 România, unde promovează conștientizarea mediului și creșterea personală. El este dedicat să ajute oamenii să devină cele mai bune versiuni ale lor prin cunoaștere și experiență practică.


Paul Gabor Iliescu is a multifaceted individual known for his work as an author, entrepreneur, TV presenter, teacher and healer. He is particularly noted for his book “Alfabet Genial și Haios” which introduces letters in an engaging and educational manner for children. The book presents each letter through various creative representations such as objects, Morse code, Braille, and more, making learning fun and interactive for kids.

Paul has a diverse background, holding a Master of Science in Energy Management and Mechanical Engineering. He has also undergone training and initiation in numerous spiritual and therapeutic practices, including Reiki, Feng Shui, and various energy healing techniques. He is affiliated with the Modern Mystery School, where he teaches and practices advanced spiritual training .

In addition to his writing and spiritual work, Paul is also the host of the TV show “Împreună Pentru Natură” (Together for Nature) on Canal 33 Romania, where he promotes environmental awareness and personal growth. He is committed to helping individuals achieve their best selves through knowledge and practical experience.